Yes it's an old one but a good one. I watched it again last night.
I was hoping they would do one on JW's, but JW's are really still just a fringe cult.
I thought it would go something like :
"And 1914 came and went (Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb)"
it was funny.
but at the same time, it was sad.
the south park crew was beating on the mormons.
Yes it's an old one but a good one. I watched it again last night.
I was hoping they would do one on JW's, but JW's are really still just a fringe cult.
I thought it would go something like :
"And 1914 came and went (Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb)"
i lost someone very special to me.
my cat.. she was 12 years old.
she was the friendliest, most loving, cat i had ever owned.
Sorry to hear about your loss.
I have lost a kitty too and it was very sad. His name was mulignane, moolie for short,(pronunced - mull-e) he was all black, except for a white spot on his chest and had 7 claws and thumbs. And yes, my many black friends thought his name was hysterical and loved him. He was unusually clever and used his claws to do things other cats could not. He would pick up marbels, climb vertical concrete walls and as a kitten would manage to get out of any cage I could put him to keep him from biting my toes while I slept, gaining an additional name of houdini. He was lost on Halloween, the one night a year I tried to keep him in, but he was houdini, got out and never returned.
to your kitty
i have been thinking lately how being raised a jw taught me to be a terrible friend.. to a jw friendship is completely conditional.
if you don't share the same beliefs as me, you cannot be my friend.
if you offend my conscience, you cannot be my friend.
I have been thinking lately how being raised a JW taught me to be a terrible friend.
To a JW friendship is completely conditional. If you don't share the same beliefs as me, you cannot be my friend. If you offend my conscience, you cannot be my friend. If someone(the org) tells me you cannot be my friend, you cannot be my friend. If we disagree about anything religious, you cannot be my friend.
Not all witnesses are this extreme, but this is what is taught.
I have realized over the years that I had learned to take frienships too lightly, transcient and as disposable. Maybe it was just a personality flaw, but I think it was one of the many bad habits I learned from the witnesses. All it takes is one close friend getting DF'd and you must make a choice between friendship and following the org's direction. I too often followed direction and the lessons and bad habits I learned stayed with me.
So what do you think? Do or did JW teachings bastardize friendships and make them less of value for you?
Any experiences?
today, i had the experience of talking to my gf's family.
they had a few major concerns about me.
one, that we were sleeping together before marriage, and 2, that i'm an atheist.
How serious are you with this girl? Does it really matter if her parents are idiots at this point?
"i'll be honest about it.
it is not atheists who get stuck in my craw, but agnostics.
doubt is useful for a while.
Great quote. Who is Wilson Mizener btw? I did a quick search and didn't come up with much. I like what he wrote and might be interested in reading more.
"i'll be honest about it.
it is not atheists who get stuck in my craw, but agnostics.
doubt is useful for a while.
Heya Surrep,
Interesting book. I totally disagree with them.
To choose doubt as a philosophy of life
Agnostism is not a philosophy of life. Since when is a belief a philosophy of life? To believe a god exists or to think a god does not exist is not a philosophy. While the person who wrote this book obviously believes having a belief, one way or another is important to himself and therefore important to everyone else, that is simply not the case. He seems to think either knowing a god exists or knowing a god does not exists has a strong bearing on a persons life, like this belief is a vehicle of life. What about those of us who really and truly could care less?
I do not care either way. It would not make a bit of difference how I live my life regardless of whether a god exists or not.
I think some question have no answers. They are simply not provable, unknowable and have no bearing on life. I don't concern myself with them. 'Is there a god?' is one of those questions. The courageous choice to make is accept the fact that 'I don't know the answer' and move on. Convincing yourself otherwise is likely delusional.
That my opinion anyway.
here is an excerpt from an article i was reading.. you can read the full and much longer version here..
a problem common among jehovah's witnesses is the feeling that they are not going to make it to live past armageddon.
even though they keep a rigorous schedule of activities designed to earn them a righteous standing with jehovah, the witnesses themselves are keenly aware that they fall far short of the perfect standard set by god.. why do so many jehovah's witnesses consider suicide at one time or another?
Wow Scully,
That is totally harsh, what a bunch of f*cking pricks!
And this is dead on.
While I was recuperating, a very profound thought occurred to me. For being the Happiest People On Earth?, JWs actually promote a death culture. Consider:
- When faced with a choice between a life-saving blood transfusion or certain death, a JW must choose death in order to remain In God's Favour?. You are better off dead.
- When a JW is faced with being raped, she must scream and fight, even if it means that the rapist will kill her. If she doesn't scream or fight, she will be disfellowshipped for Committing Fornication?. She must choose death in order to remain In God's Favour?. You are better off dead than raped.
- If a JW child becomes ill or has an accident, the parents must choose death for their child rather than risk Losing God's Favour?. Your child is better off dead.
- If you don't go In Service? at every opportunity, you risk Losing God's Favour?. You are better off dead.
- If you miss Meetings?, you risk Losing God's Favour?. You are better off dead.
- If you Marry Outside The Truth?, you risk Losing God's Favour?. You are better off dead.
- If you become clinically depressed, it is "because" you are just lazy, a slacker and ungrateful for the Loving Provisions From God's Organization?. You are better off dead.
- "If you Turn Your Back On The Truth?, your children will be better off if you take them out in the back yard and blow their heads off with a gun." [Yes, for those of you who don't know, this was actually said to my face.] They (and you) are better off dead.
Apostate Love,
besides love.... your opinion?
Besides LOVE...
Your opinion?
a funny and peculiar song i found today about keeping religious law out of secular law.. .
some will be offended by this, my advice, don't click the link.
i think most here who don't take things too seriously will enjoy it.
I have no problem with the Mod edit's, but the word PENIS offends some people here?! How silly.
Grow the hell up people.
Any board members who have a problem with the word PENIS, I have several other choice words for you.
we think that 70 or 80 years old is quite old, but some think that science will make man live much longer.
do you think science will eventually make man live to be a thousand years old or even more?
As long as this shell I live in keeps functioning.